FORGOTTEN SHRINE, comprised of Josh Alexander and Sofia Frasz (EXILED HOPE), have unveiled a folk metal take on the Scottish traditional song “The Parting Glass”. The song features a guest appearance by noted flutist EMBER BELLADONNA.
Josh comments “‘The Parting Glass’ is a traditional Scottish folk song that has been sung in bars, at funerals and celebrations alike and has been covered by dozens of artists. My first exposure to the song was the ending of Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag who’s soundtrack was very influential to me as a teenage musician, and I knew someday I wanted to work on my own version of it. Many years later after connecting online with Sofia Frasz (EXILED HOPE) and starting our music project FORGOTTEN SHRINE, we both expressed our love of the song and knew we had to work on this one together. Although the title is a bit misleading with it being our second track, we’ve really only just gotten started. Upon completing the initial instrumental we knew it needed more of an ethereal, celtic flare. And so we contacted our wonderful friend and flutist EMBER BELLADONNA, and she was able to elevate this track to a whole other level. We can’t wait to hear what you all think!”
Sofia also commented “I first heard this song in the movie Waking Ned Devine, and I loved the wistful yet adventurous vibe it had. I didn’t think it had the potential to be a folk metal song until Josh made me remember UNLEASH THE ARCHER’s cover of “Northwest Passage” , and then it finally clicked that we could do the song justice while giving it a fresh spin. With a song like this, it’s important to balance the heaviness with the emotional core of the song so that it doesn’t lose its impact, and I think we achieved that balance perfectly.”
Watch the lyric video here:
Listen to “The Parting Glass” on Spotify:
Josh Alexander (Pennsylvania USA) – Guitar, Bass, Hurdy Gurdy, Irish Bouzouki, Additional Instruments, Backing Vocals, Composition.
Sofia Frasz (Maryland USA) – Lead Vocals, Guitar, Lyrics, Composition.
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