“All of the Butts,” the third single from Conan & the Malis, takes listeners on a quirky, aromatic journey through the dog park. From the...
Category - Ξένες Κυκλοφορίες
Watch The “Paper” Lyric Video Here Hard-hitting Nebraska-based metal quintet THE TALE UNTOLD draw from the realms of post-hardcore, djent and hard...
Maja Shining, the powerful Danish vocalist known for her work with Forever Still and Myrkur, has joined forces with producer and guitarist Nino Helfrich (SKULL...
The St. Louis area metal band Extrusion is proud to unveil that their new album titled The Gates Are Open is to be released on May 27, 2024. Extrusion is...
Psychedelic Doom Outfit Gears Up for Fall Release Atlanta, GA heavyweights of Psychedelic Doom, DayGlo Mourning, have officially signed with Dark Sails...
Ένα power trio από τη Σιλεσία της Πολωνίας που παίζει Witching Metal, που συχνά αποκαλείται το Polish Destruction. Δημιουργήθηκαν το 2015. Έχουν δύο demo, ένα...
Available right now on the THE PIT VOD platform with a 7-day FREE trial. ‘”I’ve had to work for many years not to be seen as something that...
Leave it to a band named after a sleepy Seinfeld character to create one of the more urgent and upbeat records out of Boston this year. That band would be Jean...
British Blackened Death Metal band Baelfýr released their debut maxi-single «Disciples». The release was recorded, mixed and mastered at “Initiate Audio...
For Fans Of: Symphony X, Michael Romeo, Yngwie Malmsteen Instrumental metal band Martin Templum Domini is thrilled to announce the release of their highly...