Arizona metalcore band The Hostage Situation breaks an 18-year silence with their explosive new track, “The Last Leg.” Mixed by Kevin Antreassian...
Category - Event
The metal world is about to witness a clash of the titans as Illusion Of Fate and Summoners Circle have accepted each other’s challenge for a death match...
One Band To Conquer Them All & Play Wacken Open Air One band to conquer them all!After multiple battles with bands from across the country, Wacken Metal...
A experiente banda de Screamo/Post Hardcore é headliner do Myemoheart fest Mais informações a seguir, poderia nos ajudar na divulgação com uma nota...
Με ένα λαμπερό party ομορφιάς, τα beauty girls του ελληνικού επιχειρείν Γιώτα Μπουρνιώτη και Ρούλα Δημητριάδου υποδέχθηκαν στο Grand Opening του ολοκαίνουριου...
The Tennessee Metal Devastation Music Fest is thrilled to announce that Autumn Lies Buried will be headlining this year’s festival on October 5th, 2024...
Το Μεγαλύτερο Καλοκαιρινό Φεστιβάλ#1 VOLISSOS SUMMER FESTIVAL 12-13-14 ΙΟΥΛΙΟΥ 2024 H ΚΑΡΔΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΧΙΟΥ θα χτυπήσει δυνατά και φέτος στη Βολισσό στο...
Call ov the Void is excited to announce their upcoming tour in Colombia, featuring a series of performances alongside Weight of Emptiness from Chile...
The Tennessee Metal Devastation Music Fest is thrilled to announce the addition of Killcrown to this year’s explosive lineup! The five-piece...
Με απόλυτη επιτυχία πραγματοποιήθηκαν τα εγκαίνια του νέου τριώροφου καταστήματος “SKECHERS CONCEPT STORE” στον πιο πολυσύχναστο δρόμο του Κορυδαλλού, στην οδό...